In this paper, the primary nucleation induction period of this kind crystallization method was studied. 本文对溶析结晶过程中初级成核过程的诱导期进行了研究。
Investigation on Primary Crystallization Behaviour of Rapidly Solidified Aluminum-Rich Al-Ni-Cu-Nd Metallic Glass 快速凝固AlNiCuNd系富Al金属玻璃初始晶化行为的研究
According to the primary procedure of the formation of microcrystalline starch, the preparation methods were classified as retrogradation, hydrolyzation and crystallization. 微晶淀粉的制备方法按生成微晶的主要步骤可划分为回生法、水解法和结晶法三类。
The effect of BaO on the calcinations of high C_3S clinker was studied and some primary mineral phases components, crystallization and morphology were analyzed by the glycol-ethanol method, XRD and SEM. 针对高C3S熟料矿物体系,研究了BaO对相应的高钙生料易烧性的影响,并通过XRD、SEM研究了熟料矿物的结晶状况。
The formation mechanism of orientation branching is analyzed by Leonard-Jones potential energy and cluster theory. It is showed that the distribution of cluster in primary phase plays important role for crystallization orientation. 应用LeonardJones势能和团簇概念分析了位向分支的形成原因,表明团簇状态在母相中的分布对结晶取向具有重要作用。
The rate-controlling process of the primary crystallization is self-diffusion of Al atoms and the secondary crystallization is limited by bulk diffusion of the Ni, Nd and Cu solute atoms. 初始晶化的速率控制过程可能是铝自扩散,而第二次晶化过程则受控于溶质原子Ni,Nd和Cu的扩散。
Primary study on crystallization technique for natural products 天然产物活性成分新型结晶纯化技术初探
The improving of properties of low-stress iron casting, especially the forming of surface soften layer was discussed on the base of analysis of silicon dioxide as a nucleus of primary austenite in crystallization process of low-stress iron casting. 基于低应力铸铁结晶过程中析出的二氧化硅作为初生奥氏体异质晶核的分析与计算的基础上,对低应力铸铁性能改善,特别是表面软化层的形成作了探讨。
A Two-Region Crystal Micro-Physical Model for the Primary Crystallization of Hypoeutectic Casts 亚共晶铸铁一次结晶过程的两区域结晶物理模型
The primary crystallization contraction and the structural evolution process of amorphous Fe-Si-B alloys. Fe-Si-B合金从淬态非晶到晶化态的结构演化过程。
Main precipitates from the amorphous matrix are α-Al crystal nanometer particles during primary crystallization. 快速凝固Al87Ni7Cu3Nd3合金薄带在初始晶化期间从非晶基体中析出的主要是αAl纳米晶体颗粒。
Investigation on primary crystallization of rapidly solidified al_ ( 88) ce_2ni_7fe_3 amorphous alloy 快速凝固Al(88)Ce2Ni7Fe3非晶铝合金初生型晶化的研究
Mechanism of crystal growth from different solvent was disclosed and primary nucleation parameters for dilution crystallization of SDP were calculated. 分析了盐酸大观霉素晶体在不同溶剂系统中的生长机理,计算了溶析结晶初级成核参数。
TLC was used in process diagnosis of taurine production flow to analyze compositions of feed stock, esterification product, reduction product, primary crystallization product and final synthetic taurine. 并应用该方法对牛磺酸生产工艺进行了流程诊断,分析了原料、酯化反应产物、还原反应产物、粗结晶产品和牛磺酸产品的组成。
The results show that the main forms of cracks in hardfacing metal are primary crystallization crack and quench harding crack. The cracking resistance of hardfacing metal can be improved by adding RE oxide in coat of electrode. 结果表明,堆焊金属中的开裂形式为结晶裂纹和淬硬裂纹,加入稀土氧化物能提高堆焊金属的抗开裂性能。
It was speculated that owing to drawing, the order of segments improve and the amount of primary nucleation increase, so crystallization rate constant increase substantially in the lower crystallization temperatures. 可认为拉伸作用增加了链段排列的有序性,使由链段取向引起的一次成核数量增加,导致低温下结晶速率常数增加很快;
The primary crystallization and structure of zinc-aluminium foundry alloys 铸造锌铝合金的一次结晶和组织特点
One non-isothermal primary crystallization existence in 3d form, non-isothermal subprime crystallization and isothermal crystallization phase is in 2d form exist. 其中非等温初级结晶以三维形式存在,非等温次级结晶与等温结晶阶段相似都是二维形式存在的。
Based on the effect of shearing action on the equilibrium melting point, some primary works have been attempted to build crystallization kinetics model under steady shear condition by introducing the equilibrium melting point under shear field into the RAO model. 基于剪切作用对平衡熔点的影响,将剪切条件下的平衡熔点导入RAO静态模型中,初步探索了稳态剪切场下的结晶动力学方法。
Avrami equation curve analysis that crystallization can be divided into two process: primary and secondary crystallization. Avrami方程曲线分析出结晶可以分为初级和次级结晶两个过程。